郑律师你好,我想问一下更新十年绿卡Our records show nothing is outstanding at this time. We will let you know if we need anything from you. If you move, go to www.uscis.gov/addresschange to give us your new mailing address.这样多久能寄出来啊。谢谢,帮我解答一下
linming 发表于 2022-06-23 17:07
郑律师你好,我想问一下更新十年绿卡Our records show nothing is outstanding at this time. We will let you know if we need anything from you. If you move, go to www.uscis.gov/addresschange to give us your new mailing address.这样多久能寄出来啊。谢谢,帮我解答一下