

2018-03-12阅读 204 中国日报双语新闻 我要关注

昨天是第40个植树节(Arbor Day),还记得小学时候的看图写话作文“植树”,大学里面挂着“XX届校友赠”吊牌的各类乔木灌木…….


实际上除了树以外,咱们身边的植物也有自己的妙用,比如柚子皮(grapefruit peel)放室内可以去味儿,芦荟(aloe)可以滋润皮肤,芹菜杆儿(celery sticks)可以当吸管……

近期,立白(Liby Group)在新浪微博上发起了#植物力量是什么#(#What is the power of plants?#)的话题,吸引了1.1亿阅读(page views)、13.1万讨论(comments)。

创建于1994年的立白集团,已成为国内日化(daily chemical products)领域的龙头企业。产品范围涵盖“织物洗护 (fabric washing)、餐具洗涤(dish washing)、消杀(disinfection)、家居清洁(domestic cleaning)、空气清新(air cleaning)、口腔护理(oral care)、身体清洁(body cleaning)、头发护理(hair care)、肌肤护理及化妆品(skin care and makeup)”等九大类几百个品种,遍布全国各省(区)、直辖市。以“不伤手”的口号享誉全国。

其实,这也是一家尤其重视绿色生产(green manufacturing)的企业。

2017年10月,工业和信息化部(Ministry of Industry and Information Technology)公布了第一批绿色制造名单,立白同时入选了“绿色工厂”(green factory)和“绿色设计产品”(green design product)名单。而且在绿色设计产品名单上的58种家用洗涤剂中,有38种来自立白品牌。


从创立之初,立白就以绿色、环保作为企业发展的核心理念。2016年,立白正式发布“绿色健康战略”,以立白绿色生活研究院的技术研发为创新驱动,建起绿色工厂,并希望通过带动上下游全产业链,从绿色原料(green raw materials)、绿色配方(formula)、绿色技术(green technology)、绿色制造(green manufacturing)、绿色产品(green products),来引领绿色消费(green consumption)。

此外,立白还成为国家标准《绿色产品评价 洗涤用品》的起草单位之一,带动了洗涤行业的绿色革命。


呼应消费需求 立白助力绿色升级


Initially, environmentally-friendly products were more costly to produce and not as popular with price sensitive consumers. However, Liby’s consistent efforts and promotion have made a difference, together with the other famous brands, in popularizing these green products.



“The company is dedicated to becoming a protector of the earth, and loves the country and the people. It aims to give customers a healthy home,” said Chen Kaixuan, president of Liby.


Today, Liby is upholding the concepts of green production and healthy lifestyles, drawing upon its R&D strength to produce a whole-series environmentally friendly washing products.

近年来,立白接连推出的不添加荧光增白剂洗衣液(laundry detergents free of fluorescent brighteners)、遇水不烫手洗衣粉(washing powders that do not hurt the skin)、食品用洗洁精(antibacterial agents for food products)等主打“健康、安全、环保”卖点的产品,与环境友好,与人友好,在市场上获得较高的呼声,助力品牌树立绿色环保示范作用。 

从立白的绿色健康之路来看,立足强大科技实力的绿色生产升级,不仅进一步培养起大众绿色消费的习惯 (foster people’s green consumption habits),更撬动了日化产业绿色环保升级的市场新蓝海。


According to global management consultants McKinsey & Company, the number of the middle-class consumers in China will reach 630 million in 2022, bringing about new development opportunities to the daily chemicals industry.

绿色健康成果获权威认可 立白引领绿色可持续发展


Liby’s achievements in green daily chemical products over the past 20 years have won recognition in the industry and market. Liby won the 2016 International Carbon-Value Award - Innovative Value Award for its corporate social responsibility and implementing low-carbon concepts.


The company is among the first batch of enterprises that have won the approval of the authorities to set up the Chinese Light Industry Green Detergents Key Laboratory, which possesses 36 patents for inventions on environmental protection. Some of its highlights include the washing powder concentration technology that helps to save water and electricity, which has won the National Award for Outstanding Patents. Liby is also the winner of awards for progress in science and technology by the China Light Industry Council, as well as government departments in the city of Guangzhou and Guangdong province.


About 70 percent of the raw materials in the formula Liby uses in its detergents come from renewable resources. The overall biodegradability of the raw materials used in the detergents exceeds 90 percent.


This year, Liby has attached great significance to researching about the natural self-cleaning ability of plants and transplanting that knowledge into its detergents to make them more environmentally friendly.


It is the wish of Liby that its efforts in pursuing green development throughout the whole industrial chain can promote the upgrading of the detergent industry in China. That Liby can help create a green and healthy home is not only its promise to consumers, but more importantly a reflection of the enterprise’s sense of responsibility to the country and its people.








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