

2017-12-06阅读 175 中国日报双语新闻 我要关注





Who is Business School, Sun Yat-sen University?

  • 全国领先商学院

A leading business school in China

  • 工商管理学科入围“双一流”建设学科

It's on the "world-class discipline construction" list in Business Administration recommended by the Ministry of Education

  • 率先通过AACSB、EQUIS和AMBA全球三大商学院国际认证

Tripled accredited by AACSB, EQUIS, AMBA

  • MBA项目位列《经济学人》2017年全球MBA排行榜前100

It's among the world's top 100 best MBA program in 2017 by Economist

  • EMBA项目位列《英国金融时报》全球EMBA项目第11位

World's No 11 best EMBA program by Financial Times

  • 学术型硕士项目位列《英国金融时报》全球排名第47位并获评全球最佳性价比项目

World's No 47 best Research Mater Program by Financial Times







It is my honor to study in this prestigious business school. My experience until now has been very astonishing, I got to broaden my knowledge in Chinese culture as well as international culture. All the teachers, teacher's assistants, school faculties and all my fellow classmates have been very supportive and helpful to me. I am really very thankful to them and to the school to provide me this amazing international campus life, which I have never experienced before. Thank you once again for making me part of this wonderful school.

——中山大学管理学院2017级FI班Dhruv Safari

My journey through the MBA program at Sun Yat-sen Business School has not only provided me with knowledge of business in China and Chinese culture, but also has been a very rich multicultural academic experience, through which I have learned a lot about other cultures, and business practices with an international scope. During my study here, I was pushed to develop many skills, and it opened my eyes to many opportunities, which mostly go unnoticed in daily life.

In addition to the good teaching materials, methodologies, and environment, getting to know many great people, and good friends at Sun Yat-sen University, is why I consider myself lucky to have been admitted to this MBA program. 

It was not always fun, but many times demanding, not always relaxing, but many times stressing, for both teachers and students, who all had to work hard at some point. But for me all of that turned into good memories that I miss, and at the end I feel very proud of what I have achieved here.


Thanks to the SYSBS, I have found my new career dream and the way to reach it. You can not only learn enterprise management knowledge, make friends who are like-minded, but also can broaden your horizons through strong alumni resources. Join us, you will not regret it.







——中山大学管理学院2015级博士生 胡馨慧


To develop principled and talented leaders-becoming China's Whampoa Military Academy in business.




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